Press Release

New Remote Seal Service from D-Trust Speeds up Sealing Processes for Government Agencies

Berlin, 20 March 2023 – D-Trust, the qualified trust service provider (QTSP) of the Bundesdruckerei Group, received certification from TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH in February for a new remote seal service and is expanding its eIDAS portfolio in the field of e-government.

“Since hardware with seal cards and readers at every workplace is no longer required, it is now even easier for government agencies to create legally secured digital  documents ”, says Dr Kim Nguyen, Managing Director of D-Trust. The digital seal is seamlessly integrated into existing business and administrative processes via API (application programming interface).

The qualified electronic seal replaces an official seal or company stamp for legal entities in digital procedures. The eIDAS-certified trust service provides proof of the origin and integrity of electronic documents, such as notices, invoices or business correspondence. Like all eIDAS trust services, the D-Trust remote seal service is included on the EU Trusted List.

In addition, every remote seal from D-Trust is automatically includes a qualified time stamp. The integrity and authenticity of a document confirmed by the seal thus remains verifiable over the long term. Nguyen: “The combination of a qualified seal and time stamp provides the best solution for long-term preservation of documents with evidential value in electronic archives.”

Further information on the remote seal service of D-Trust can be found on our website. Moreover, another online event on the topic of “Acceleration of Seal Processes” will be taking place on 4 April and 5 May 2023.

Marc Thylmann
Manager Media Relations at Bundesdruckerei GmbH
+49 (0)30 2598 - 2810
On behalf of
Bundesdruckerei Gruppe GmbH